A Drug Free Life
Have drugs changed you or someone you love? Often, you won’t know the answer until harm is done to you, others, your job, spouses, and other relationships. The reason it’s so hard to have an accurate awareness of how certain legal (prescribed) and street (Marijuana, cocaine, crack, meth amphetamine, opioids, etc.) psychoactive drugs may be changing you, your thinking, your behavior and your future, is not obvious.
Because you see the world – people, places and things – from the inside out – you never actually see yourself – except in a picture or happy video, selfie, or the mirror. The only time you may have an opportunity to see how your drug(s) of choice really change you, is when a friend or loved one gets brave enough to try to tell you after a painful incident.
If you had a video screen always focused on you, always visible real time and for later, where you could see and hear exactly what you’re doing, and what you’re saying – that would be a start.
Seeing clearly how these substances change you, how you’re affecting others, or how you’re putting them at risk, you could see. From this point of view you could make choices that are not affected by what you consumed. You could see that many of things you do or speak – you would not do or speak if you hadn’t taken that drug.
The consequences you’ve had would clearly connect to how the drug affected you. You’d to be able to rewind the tape and to answer questions like:
- “What happened last night?”;
- “What did I say or do to make my spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend so angry?”;
- “How did I end up here?”;
- “Why didn’t I complete the work I’d planned to do yesterday”;
- What happened to me?”;
- “How could I have done that?” . . .
Marijuana is a drug now legal in many states. The strength of the THC content is roughly 20x that of the 60s and 70s ‘love generation’. affects people differently. Some seem to be able to continue their work, education and personal lifestyle in balance, with little to no obvious negative results. For others though, who generally compose approximately 10% – 15% of the population, the results can be insidious and devastating.
Street drug users are not the only group who are on a downward life sinkhole. A portion of the general population with legal prescriptions are also being subjected to changing behavior that affects their relationships, thinking, perceptions, and often their physical appearance. This process can be rapid. Or it might be slower. These changes are usually first noticed by other people in your primary relationship, by friends, co-workers and bosses.
The secret to living a life without the desire for street drugs and prescribed addictive nature drugs is first to listen when others tell you of the changes they see in you. This requires you to drop your ego, drop your defenses – stop defending your behavior. Then to have the willingness to see exactly where you are. Is there really a problem? Is it really changing you – changing your life?
How do you do that? Call me today for a complete assessment. I have overcome drug and alcohol problems – have been where you may be today. I have successful experience living free of addictive prescription drugs and street drugs, including marijuana, and just about any drug you can name. I am active in recovery programs and have 37 years of complete drug and alcohol sobriety, as well as nearly 37 years tobacco free.
I know what it takes to get free of addiction from the clinical side and from the personal – where the rubber meets the road – side. You will benefit greatly from those two and other things incorporated into my private practice. I’ve served in treatment centers as Clinical Program Director, lead counselor, counselor, intern, process group facilitator, meditation instructor, etc.
In addition to being a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC), I also sought, worked for and achieved Certifications in the most important areas needed for you live a great and happy life without needing drugs, alcohol or tobacco. If guided meditations or hypnosis might be helpful for your recovery, I became Certified in hypnosis almost 25 years ago. One of the services I perform for my clients is creating and producing personalized mp3 audio recordings to help them overcome problems with drugs, alcohol, negative thinking, anger, etc. These recordings fall into two categories – one that you can listen to anytime, the other while you are in a quiet place, by yourself – with eyes closed.
Another great reason and advantage of your calling me today is that I teach all my clients to meditate effectively. By ‘effectively’, I mean that you, and others will notice positive changes in you, and there will be physiological changes you can monitor yourself. I have used variations of, and experimentation with this meditation for many years, and am Certified to teach it to you.
Stress? Anxiety?
If you have problems with stress & anxiety I am Certified in Stress Reduction – and will teach you techniques that are easy to learn, remember and use for anything from a panic attack to recurring negative thoughts, helping with an upcoming job interview.
Anger Issues?
Is your anger causing problems? I am Certified in Anger Counseling and yes, you absolutely can overcome your anger – hidden and overt – not just by covering it up, but by processing and healing the root cause. Anger may be likened to a poisonous snake bite. If you simply treat the would, you will likely become very ill, you might even die. But if you seek the right care, receive anti-venom, and follow the physician’s instructions, you will make survive and heal. I can help you do just that.
Depression, Other Issues?
Do you believe you may have additional problems, such as depression, along with and perhaps a cause of your continued drug use? This is a complex situation, and requires treatment to help in the area of need. I will first assess you, then include in your Treatment Plan, what you need to work this additional area. I am Certified in Co-Occurring Disorders, also known as Dual Diagnosis.
Stop Smoking?
Quit Tobacco Addiction Today
Breathe Free Tomorrow
I have worked successfully with smokers for years through hypnosis techniques and sessions. And this past summer I became Certified in Tobacco Cessation Treatment, which taught me a number of things I had not used before in working with people to help them drop their tobacco addiction.
Wonder where or how you fit into your family? I often use things I was taught while completing the one year of required training, instruction and practice in a process most widely known as “Family Constellations”, and also as “Family Dynamics”, “Generational Family DNA”, etc. This process will aid you in finding answers to questions that perhaps you have not even considered as root causes for your disharmony, or as known in 12 Step work as being “restless, irritable and discontent.”
Let me help you
Call or text me right now at 713-906-2221.
If I’m in a session with another client, I won’t answer. In that case please leave a short message and I will call you back as soon as I can – so we can talk about what’s going on with you and how I can help.