I believe every person affected by alcohol has the ability to change. I believe you wouldn’t be reading this alcohol counseling and treatment website if deep down you didn’t believe there is a better life for you. I got clean & sober and tobacco-free more than 40 years ago, and I will help guide you find and keep freedom.
There’s a clinical side to alcohol recovery, and there’s a ‘where the rubber meets the road’ side.
I know both sides very well. Allow me help you – a better, happier life is waiting for you and your loved ones right now, and this happier life is not as far away as you might imagine.
**Clayton Lee, CHt, LCDC has been active in personal recovery for well over four decades, has great compassion for, and thoroughly understands the disease of addiction.**
How much do you know about how alcohol (and/or drugs) affects your brain, body and organs?
Do you really know how your spouse or significant other, family, friends and co-workers see you when you drink (and/or use drugs)?
During our sessions, you will learn new tools to help you live happily without alcohol.
You will learn how to naturally raise your alcohol awareness, self awareness, and awareness of others, especially loved ones.
You will learn what alcohol addiction is, and what it isn’t.
You’ll learn strong relapse prevention strategies and techniques.
You will learn how to forgive yourself of things you’ve done and not done under the effects of alcohol.
You can and will become the person you were truly born to be. If that sound’s too positive, just imagine taking on some faith in a better future. Give treatment a chance. Give yourself a chance. Give yourself and family the gift of counseling and avoid the disastrous end results of alcohol misuse, abuse and addiction.
Hypnosis and guided meditation can also be utilized to help you move toward a more happier life, free of alcohol problems, and make it easier for you to make a strong personal decision and declaration to abandon alcohol as your ‘problem solver and mood lifter’, to live, accept and love your life free of mind altering substances.